Saturday, August 27

The Season and Romance Reviews Today

Hi Everyone! You know that feeling of 'making it big'? That's how I'm feeling right now!

 First of all, my pudding made a heart. Do you see that? It's PERFECT! It's a SIGN!!! (Avenue Q, anyone?)

But onto the REALLY exciting news: Romance Reviews Today and The Season have both officially accepted me to be reviewers on their sites! Terrie and Bev are both really sweet (and, um, Bev writes really awesome historical books. So I'm trying to be professional and not SQUEE every time I see an email from her. I don't know how good a job I'm doing...) and I am SO looking forward to reviewing for them!

Reviews of books received from their sites will also be posted on my site, a few days after being posted on The Season or RRT! This is a really exciting, important opportunity for me and I'm REALLY ready to melt into a puddle of goo over how excited I am. Ecstatic, honestly. I'm so honored to be part of this online community at such a young age, and I can't begin to describe to you how happy I am.

So look for reviews of books sent to me by RRT and The Season, and don't forget that I still review for Siren's Song. YAY!

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