Saturday, September 3

My Man Pendleton by Elizabeth Bevarly

This book was SO funny. I literally spent most of my time reading doubled over on the couch, gasping for breath. Kit was hysterical, Pendleton was amusing – it was all ridiculous and so much fun I could hardly stand it. It was a really light romance, but not so annoyingly light that you wondered if the romance was just a fling. I could definitely feel the seriousness of the growing relationship between the protagonists, but layered on top of it was a lot of humor, sarcasm, and wit. It was like a really good cake – lots and lots of yummy vanilla frosting covering a wonderful chocolatey cake layer beneath. You know the cake is there even if you can’t physically see it, because you know its supporting and holding up the frosting. The depth of their relationship was visible in how the light camaraderie was supported by a wealth of feeling.

So Kit has a really stupid father and some seriously over-protective older brothers. Growing up super-uber-rich had its benefits but it also has its pitfalls. For example the fact that every boyfriend she’s ever had has been run off by her father and brothers who think that the guys are only in it for the money. Her father even paid Kit’s (now ex) fiancée to not marry her a few years back. Well, now all that protection has come back to bite Kit’s father and brother in ze butts. Kit’s mother is the one who officially owned the family fortune, and she just passed away. Instead of having the 90-something million dollars entrusted to her husband and children, she put a rather… uncomfortable… clause in her will. Should Kit get married before the 2-year anniversary of her mom’s death, the money will go to the family – should she chose to remain alone, the money will all go to various charities that Kit’s mom has selected.

Clearly, Kit wasn’t the only one angry with the guys. So, almost a full two years after the reading of the will, a man named Pendleton comes to work at Kit’s father’s office, completely unaware of the hostile situation he’s just walked into. Kit’s father thrusts him at Kit (amusing), makes him go fetch Kit when she runs away (amusing), and pats Pendleton on the back when he suspects him of boinking Kit to cohabitational blissdom (you guessed it - amusing). The entire book had a silly, unrealistic feel to it, which made it so surprising that I liked it. I found myself really enjoying the flow and the funny, the silly and the insane. It was totally not my type and yet I loved it!

Kit is pretty spoiled if you take a deep look at her character, but she’s also hurt and immature because no one’s helped her grow up. Most importantly, however, she's alone. She has some daddy-issues that leave her a little less than self-confident at times, and she’s definitely experienced some deep betrayal in her past. I thought she was cute, sassy, and charming in a high-maintenance yet adorable way. Usually I hate spoiled heroines, but Kit was simply too cute and I found I really loved her despite her faults. Pendleton was funny, sweet, sensitive, and most of all supportive. He sensed the loneliness and hurt in Kit and helped her through it, without being too sappy or a push-over.

Secondary characters are amusing and quirky, but the story really focuses on Kit and Pendleton and their issues. The plot was pretty silly, as mentioned earlier, but it’s a really loveable plot all the same and there was only one very small part of it that gave me pause and bothered me. All I can say is that if you like light, fun, humorous romance this is a good one and I’d recommend it. I got it free on Smashwords so if I were you I’d run over there and look it up!

Favorite Quotes (I’m spoiling you and including four):

“You mean wild animals drinking from the mixture allegedly made it taste better?” he asked.
She shook her head. “No. I mean little critters falling into the mixture, drowning and dying in it made it taste better.”
He hesitated only a moment this time before remarking, “Ah.”

“But don’t start with all that ‘endearing’ stuff again, okay. It makes me nauseous. No offense.” (Kit)
“Oh, none taken. It doesn’t bother me at all when a woman tells me I make her sick.” (Pendleton)

“…And you won’t have a car for me to get out of if you lose your job. The repo guys will come and take it back to Status Symbols-R-Us…” (Kit)

He bit back a growl. “You used up all the hot water,” he finally got out. “Again.”
She dropped the sponge and rested her chin on her forearm. “Well, of course I used up all the hot water. What fun is a cold bath?”
“No, I mean you used up all the hot water while I was in the shower. Again.”
“Bummer. I hate it when that happens.”

“Sexy”ness rating: Explosive yet sweet

Overall Rating: A to A+

Bottom Line: This book was funny and it didn’t lose its steam. I could barely contain my laughter at Kit’s selfish, yet completely outrageous and hysterical, behavior. We all need a kick to the behind, and that’s exactly what Kit got in My Man Pendleton making for a fun and flirty romance.

Pages: 384
Published: 1998
Genre: Contemporary

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