Thursday, May 19

Authors Note: Read More Kind Authors

A quick note on one of all our favorite subjects - authors. Everyone who loves books, loves authors. I love authors. I regularily send fan emails/snail mails/tweets/FB posts to my favorite authors telling them how much I loved their books and why. I am in awe of their power of words, and how they can dredge up real people from pixels on a screen or ink on a page. Literally, in awe. O.O

When an author writes back to me, you would not believe how excited I get. Obviously, even if I quit my day job and read books all day long, I could never read them all. So some authors go on your 'must read' list and others get... shuffled of the coil. A lot of times reading one novel from an author is all it takes to put them on or off my must-read list. Take Sarah MacLean and Loretta Chase, for instance. Even if they start writing trash, I will continuously read their books in the desperate hope that something like their former novels might show up in their writing (the likelihood either of those authors will start writing trash is slim to nil). Other authors, authors that aren't bad but aren't stand out, get suffled off the list after one C-rated book.

However, I have discovered that certain authors have saved themselves and given themselves a second chance. For instance, the case of Miranda Neville. About ten minutes ago, she put herself back on my list of authors to look at. I had tweeted the link of my review of her book (yes, you can follow me on twitter as well @Romanticrosemay). Even though this review was not overly complimentary, she tweeted back '@Romanticrosemay Thanks for reviewing my book :)'! That little comment, the little interaction between author and her reader, has given her a second chance because it has established a bond - however slight.

So, moral of the story? Pick up a Sarah MacLean novel (Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake or Eleven Scandals to Start to Win a Duke's Heart), a Loretta Chase (My favorite is Lord of Scoundrels although there are reviews of Not Quite a Lady and Your Scandalous Ways on my site) and try a Miranda Neville because, hey, what the hell. She's a nice lady, and her writings pretty decent. She's definitely a woman deserving of a second look.


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