Thursday, December 1

Happy December - Update

Hey everyone!

So this year has been super-busy for me, and I can't even spend too long updating this post! With Yearbook, College Applications, 4 AP classes, and the shows I've been stage managing there hasn't been much time in my life for... ah... anything. Especially this. So here are some reviews you can expect shortly (hopefully!):

Touch of an Angel
Cry Wolf
Cop's Passion
After Midnight

All by very awesome authors who have sent me their books for review and I've been struggling to get to. My goodness, I never expected to be so busy!

In another word, by June 2012 I will have self-published my very first book: Jheym's Silence under the pen name Sapphire Rose Night. It's the first book in a three book series (The Legacy of Mazaida) and I'll be publishing it on createspace but it will also be available at Amazon. It was a lot of fun to write and I can't wait to publish it! I'll try to keep it about 7.99 or 8.99 if I can! Anyways, that's really exciting but editing and formatting is also taking a lot of time out of my reviewing budget sooo... I promise I'm trying guys. I have a whole new respect for authors. I mean, I know they don't have to go to school for eight hours a day, but I can't imagine working eight hours a day and writing too - or even just trying to run a house and write. GEESH!

See you soon and Merry Christmas!

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